
私の名まえは コーデルです。20さいです。
アメリカのカリフォルニア からきました。

私のきいろい ぼうしが好きです。



mamagotcha said...

Courtesy of BabelFish:
"Japanese by Cordell Newmiller beginning! Front of my name is [koderu]. 20 occasions is. It came from the American California. I am the intern of the laboratory. My be to come wart [u] to do, we like. We ask may!"

So what was it SUPPOSED to say?

Cordell Newmiller said...

Google translate does a slightly better job, but this only goes to show that human translators aren't going to go out of demand anytime soon.

It's written in pretty simple Japanese, only using kanji that I know. It might be better translated as:

Nice to meet you!

My name is Cordell. (I am) 20 years old.
I came from California in America.
I am an intern for LABO.

I like my yellow hat.

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu! (This is difficult to translate directly, it's one of the many Japanese mannerisms that doesn't really exist in english. It just sort of means "I'm being polite," one usually bows while saying it.)

mamagotcha said...

Thanks! That makes a lot more sense.